Forecast of high Export volumes of Cocoa from Ecuador by Maseni Group (Ecuador)

Forecast of high Export volumes of Cocoa from Ecuador by Maseni Group (Ecuador)MASENI GROUP, your Connecta partner in Ecuador, would like to share that Export of high volumes of Cocoa from Ecuador are forecasted for this and the next few years.

Cocoa is one of the main production products in Ecuador. In 2021 they broke the export record for this wonderful product, exceeding USD 950 million in exports.

Accelerated growth can be noticed in the production of this highly valued food since last year, and the country is ready to produce it in large volume for the following years. For example, production for 2022 is projected to be 380 tons and reach 500 tons in 2025.

From MASENI GROUP, they are looking for partners that are part of a potential market looking for Cocoa this year, in order to collaborate and grow business together.

With MASENI GROUP business line “Better Market”, they can connect conscious producers with conscious buyers in your market, to make an exchange for a change!

Pls. visit and for more details.