POL-MARE (Poland) transports firefighting vehicles all over the world

Pol-Mare, your Connecta partner in Poland, prides itself on being a specialist in extinguishing fires both figuratively and literally. Figuratively, because they have a well-developed reputation to which customers turn to when facing difficult and sometimes even hopeless shipping cases and the experience Pol-Mare team gets their problems solved quickly. And literally, because for many years Pol-Mare has been transporting firefighting vehicles around the world.

POL-MARE (Poland) transports firefighting vehicles all over the world

The Philippines, Vietnam, Nigeria, and Kenya are some of the recent countries to which Pol-Mare has transported firetrucks to serve the brave firefighters in the fight against disasters and protect the local population from misfortune. Now another four firetrucks are on their way, this time to Saudi Arabia to also serve in a good cause, here are some pictures of the vehicles.

Customers have been entrusting their goods to Pol-Mare for 20 years, because they know they will reach their destination safely. Pol-Mare specialises in comprehensive handling of oversized cargo offering an optimal selection of means of transportation, complete superintendence of loading, fixing, and realisation of the carriage which is also realised using other means of transport: railway, inland (barges) and sea navigation – including chartered vessels.

Pls. visit www.pol-mare.pl for more information