COLBECK & CLARKE (Canada) informs about fines for non-compliance with eManifest rules

Your Pangea partner in Canada, COLBECK & CLARKE, would like to share below important information as CAD $2,000 fines are being issued for non-compliance with eManifest rules.

The Canadian logistics industry continues to face challenges on multiple fronts. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has now started issuing financial penalties for non-compliant e-Manifest.

In October they received their first penalty in the amount of $2,000 CAD.

Let this email serve as a reminder that it is mandatory that all e-Manifest information be received by your Canadian partner within the following time frames:

  • AIR FREIGHT: 1 business day prior to arrival at destination
  • SEA FREIGHT: 48 hours (2 business days) prior to sailing at origin

***NOTE: Any late filings will result in a CAD $2,000 penalty being assessed per occurrence***

For more information, please review the following link or contact your partners in Canada.

Commercial importing reporting requirements (