GLOBEX LOGISTICS (Brazil) ready to embrace a greener tomorrow, planting initiative in Cerrado Region

This year GLOBEX LOGISTICS, your Pangea partner in Brazil, has taken a significant stride towards a greener future by embracing ESG principles (Environmental, Social, and Governance). With a strong emphasis on environmental conversation, they are incredibly thrilled to reach the milestone of planting and reforesting 15, 000 saplings in the Cerrado region. GLOBEX LOGISTICS extend their heartfelt gratitude to all the participants in this movement, and they are confident that this is just the beginning of the GLOBEX Green initiative.

The Cerrado region, known for its remarkable biodiversity and ecological significance, has benefited greatly from their collective efforts. Each planted tree represents a commitment to preserving and nurturing their natural environment for future generations.

As GLOBEX LOGISTICS move forward, they invite all stakeholders, partners, and communities to join them in this noble cause. Making together a lasting impact on the environment, create positive change, and leave a legacy of environmental responsibility for generations to come. Thank you for being part of the GLOBEX Green movement.

Pls. visit GLOBEX LOGISTICS for more information