WCF (UAE) informs of attestation of Import invoices by MOFAIC effective from 1st February 2023

Your PANGEA Partner in UAE, WORLD CLASS FREIGHT, would like to share below information of the attestation of import invoices by the MOFAIC which will be effective from 1st February 2023.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MOFAIC), United Arab Emirates, has introduced a system for electronic attestation of Import commercial invoices. All Customs clients will require to get the Import Commercial invoices attested from MOFAIC for Customs Declarations with Dubai Customs effective from 01 February 2023. This requirement will apply for submission through all channels but for specific Declaration Types and invoices above a particular value.

  1. Import Customs declarations (imports from the rest of the World, import for re-export and UAE Freezones to the mainland) need MOFAIC attestation, effective February 2023.
  2. All goods imported into the UAE with a value of over AED 10,000/-must be accompanied by attested commercial invoices by MOFAIC.
  3. The ministry attestation cost of a single commercial invoice is AED150/-
  4. Failure to comply will result in a penalty of AED 500/- by MOFAIC to customer.
  5. The client has a grace period of 14 days, post-Customs declaration of goods, to attest to avoid penalties for non-attestation or suspension of services.
  6. MOFAIC Exemption will be applied on low-value goods below AED 10,000/-, Personal Imports, Imports from GCC Origin, Import into Freezone, Transit Import, Diplomatic, Police & Military, Charitable societies & International Organizations, B2C E-Commerce movements.
  7. MOFAIC introduced an electronic online process to complete the Import invoice attestation by uploading the PDF documents.
  8. MOFAIC generates an attestation number as proof of attestation.
  9. MOFAIC generated number is Integrated with the UAE Customs system to confirm the attestation completed by the client before import declaration. In case of further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your respective contact in Sales and Customer Service.
  10. To know more and e-attest your commercial invoices, visit www.mofaic.gov.ae and register under services for the attestation of official documents, certificates and commercial invoices attestation.

Pls. visit https://www.wcfdubai.com/ for more information.